We get asked all the time how to produce a corporate video and why video content is so important. In today’s digital world, corporate videos have become a powerful tool for businesses to communicate their message, showcase their brand, and engage with their audience. Whether you’re looking to create a promotional video, a training video, or a corporate event video, producing a high-quality corporate video requires careful planning and execution. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps involved in producing a successful corporate video.
First Step On How To Produce A Corporate Video:
1. Understanding Your Goals and Audience
Before you start planning your corporate video, it’s important to clearly define your goals and identify your target audience. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, educate your audience, or showcase a product or service? Understanding your goals will help you tailor your video to achieve the desired outcome. Additionally, knowing your target audience will help you create content that resonates with them.
2. Developing Your Message
Once you’ve identified your goals and audience, it’s time to develop your message. Your message should be clear, concise, and aligned with your brand’s values and objectives. Think about what you want to convey to your audience and how you can do so effectively. Consider the tone, style, and content of your video to ensure it effectively communicates your message.
We work with brands all the time to figure out what it is they are trying to convey, and then guide them on how to get that across in a natural and authentic way. The best way we’ve found to get your message across is to be true to yourself. We accomplish this by staying away from scripts and teleprompters as much as we can. Instead, we like to focus on just having a conversation and getting to know the interviewees we are speaking with to find out what matters most to them.
3. Planning Your Video Production
With your message in mind, it’s time to start planning your video production. This often includes creating a mood board, a storyboard, script or interview questions, and shot list. A storyboard or mood board will help you visualize the scenes and shots you need to capture, while a script will outline the dialogue and narration for your corporate video maker.

When we use interviews to drive a story, we work out a list of questions. We give the interviewees a heads up on what to expect, but we often like to have them come in fresh without memorizing answers ahead of time. A shot list is a great way to make sure you get all the most important things for each shoot and that you don’t miss anything.
Every production has last minute changes or adjustments that happen the day of the shoot. The best way in our experience to ensure that things go as smoothly as possible is with effective and comprehensive planning. By making sure that client, crew and talent are all inline with one another on the approach and plan, you run into less surprises when it’s time to get down to business on filming day.
4. Finding the Right Place to Film
When it comes to corporate videos there are many different ways to go with locations. One popular option is to film at your company office space. This can be good and bad for a variety of reasons. The good are that it’s easy to get to, you have complete control of the space, everyone knows where to go and you don’t have to waste any time at all traveling somewhere. The bad is that it can be disruptive (though experienced production teams can get in and out without disturbing), it is limiting with filming options, it can be noisy and these days not everyone is in the office the same days.
Another option is to film on location somewhere. Find a space like a factory, a warehouse, distribution, or where your product or company spends it’s time helping and making lives better for those who buy their service or good.

One other option that many people are taking advantage of this these days for the convenience, the sound quality and expertise is to go to a professional studio. A video production studio like ASL Studios can be a great option because you can walk in, film and leave, everything you need is there, there are soundproof spaces and your guests and talent will all be very comfortable in the space.
5. Filming Your Corporate Video
Once you have a solid plan in place, it’s time to start making a corporate video. Make sure to use high-quality equipment and pay attention to lighting, sound, and framing to ensure your video looks and sounds professional.
Our clients love the equipment we bring to the table For corporate video service our clients often request our Sony FX6’s and The Ronin 4D for camera, Sigma Prime and zoom lenses and Aperture 300D and 600D lights. Light, bright and easy to transport to set!
6. Editing and Post-Production
After the filming comes post production. Make sure you have a good post producer as part of the team to help guide you through the process. There are often rounds of editing and graphics to look out for. Most importantly though, it’s the post producer’s job to let you know what to expect.
For example, often color will be the last thing that is addressed, so a good post producer will let you know that we don’t need to focus on that now and will call your attention to it when it’s time.
Other things to keep an eye out for in post that can cause price hikes or time sucks are what deliverables you will need. Some clients only need a 16×9, or “wide” delivery, while others need 1×1 or 9×16 (vertical) for socials and cutdowns.
7. Sharing Your Corporate Video
After you produce your corporate video, and edit your corporate video, it’s time to share it with your audience. Upload your video to your website, social media channels, and video sharing platforms like YouTube. Encourage your audience to share the video and engage with your brand.
By following these steps, you can produce a corporate video that is compelling and effectively communicates your brand’s message and engages your audience. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can create a video that leaves a lasting impression on your viewers.