Testimonial video productions are a fantastic way to tell a brands story, highlight a product or hear directly from the people who matter most. These can be client reviews, celebrity endorsements, employee interviews and so much more.
As a testimonial video production company, ASL knows the best testimonial and interview projects are the ones where everyone is most comfortable and has an opportunity to ask questions prior to their shoot day. The best interviews are conversations where the camera disappears and it just feels like your subjects are catching up with a friend.
Client testimonials can be a powerful thing. They allow
your audience to hear directly from those who use your
product or service daily. But nothing can derail a
successful testimonial video faster than canned lines
and scripted, overthought answers.
We have the recipe to help your team create organic,
authentic and heartfelt client interviews while ensuring
that everyone feels comfortable throughout the entire
Our Midtown NYC Video Studio is ideal for filming interviews, testimonials, podcasts, and live streams, featuring a full-color cyc, dedicated podcast space, and customizable living room set.
Perfect for clients, talent, and executives, it offers a professional, all-in-one environment for high-quality production.
Interviews about your business from those who know it best. Recruiting videos, training, social and landing page videos are often best driven by employee interviews.
We conduct pre-interviews with every interviewee prior to their day on set. That gives everyone the chance to ask questions and feel comfortable with the process.
The best interviews are ones that feel like conversations. Our goal is to make each person who steps in front of the camera look their absolute best.
No matter where you want to film, or if you need help finding the perfect spot, we have you covered. We film interviews at offices, homes, public spaces and beautiful rental properties and stages.
We also have a state of the art video studio with tons of great interview options if your next shoot is in NYC!
Either at our flagship state-of-the-art podcast and video studio in New York City, on-location or wherever you are, our expert teams can bring your video podcast to life.